#!/bin/bash # # Simple thumbnail picture gallery script. With some Imagemagick transformations. # # 17/08/14 J McDonnell # 05/12/19 J McDonnell - made picture file names (greps) case insensitive # title=$1 if [[ -z $title ]] then echo "Argument missing (title)" exit fi zipfile="$title.zip" # # Process pictures, create thumbnails if necessary # ls | egrep -i "jpg$|jpeg$" | egrep -v 'thumb' | while read picture do echo Processing file $picture thumbpic="thumb_$picture" # # If no thumnail image exists for picture, create one... # if [ ! -f "$thumbpic" ] then # If a txt file exists for picture and is not empty use contents as caption # Otherwise place no caption if [ -s $picture.txt ] then pictitle=$(cat $picture.txt) else pictitle=" " fi # # Uncomment one of the four paragraphs below to achieve different effects. # (Only have one paragraph at a time uncommented). # # Option 1. Simple thumbnails with no effects. echo convert "$picture" -resize 10% "$thumbpic" convert "$picture" -resize 10% "$thumbpic" # Option 2. Put a simple frame around each picture, no caption. #echo montage -resize 10% -frame 5 -geometry +0+0 "$picture" "$thumbpic" #montage -resize 10% -frame 5 -geometry +0+0 "$picture" "$thumbpic" # Option 3. Put a simple frame round each picture with a caption at the bottom (-label) #echo montage -resize 10% -pointsize 20 -label "$pictitle" "$picture" -frame 5 -geometry +0+0 "$thumbpic" #montage -resize 10% -pointsize 20 -label "$pictitle" "$picture" -frame 5 -geometry +0+0 "$thumbpic" # Option 4. Put a "polaroid" effect on each picture, including a caption. Picture is framed, # rotated with shadow. If $angle is zero there is no rotation. # Note: the "-repage" is there to offet the rotated/"polaroided" within its actual # (unrotated) frame. Without -repage, there is clipping where the shared/rotated # image goes beyond the image border. # #convert -resize 10% $picture png:small.png #angle=$(($RANDOM % 20 - 10)) ##angle=0 #convert -set caption "$pictitle" small.png -pointsize 28 -background black -polaroid $angle -repage +10+5 png:polaroid.png #convert polaroid.png -background white -flatten $thumbpic fi done rm -f polaroid.png small.png # Create zipfile of all pics if [ ! -f "$zipfile" ] then zip "$zipfile" $(ls | egrep -i "jpg$|jpeg$" | grep -v thumb) fi ############################################################################### # # Create index.html file # cat > index.html <<%


Click on a thumbnail to download the full size image

% ls | egrep -i "jpg$|jpeg$" | egrep -v 'thumb' | while read picture do thumbpic="thumb_$picture" pictitle=$picture if [ -s $picture.txt ] then pictitle=$(cat $picture.txt) else touch $picture.txt fi echo "$thumbpic" >> index.html done # Create link to zipfile of all pics size=$(ls -lh "$zipfile" | awk '{print $5}') echo "

Download all pictures --> \"$zipfile\" ($size)

" >> index.html echo "
Updated on $(date). Run time $SECONDS seconds.

" >> index.html