Command substitution is a widely used feature of the Bash and Korn shells, allowing the output of one command to be captured and used in another. Like this:
$ echo "Backup started at $(date)"
Backup started at Fri Mar 16 15:35:14 GMT 2012
Command substitution is not to be confused with that less well known (and, to be honest, less useful) shell feature, process substitution. Despite being rarely used, process substitution is worth knowing about, if only because it illuminates other fundamental unix features – the shell, sub processes, named and unnamed pipes.
This post discusses process substitution, command substitution and the vertical bar (|). Three very different shell features, but all making use of unnamed pipes, and so not as different as they first appear. The examples are from Linux but also work on Solaris 10 and, due to the ubiquity of pipes, are likely to work on other unixes too.
Process Substitution
Process substitution is a command syntax allowing the input/output of one command to be connected to the input/output of several other commands. But first, a quick word about pipes. Consider a straightforward pipe like this:
bash-4.2$ ls -l | sort -n -k 5
It produces a list of files sorted by size. The output of “ls” is connected to the input of “sort“. This kind of pipe, represented by a vertical bar (|), connects just one command to exactly one other command. Process substitution gets around that limitation, allowing “one to many” connections between commands.
Process Substitution Example (Input)
For example, let’s connect the output of “ls” and the output of “df” to the input of that sort. Use the Process substitution input syntax, “<()":
bash-4.2$ sort -n -k 5 <(ls -l) <(df -k)
The “ls” and the “df” now both execute, and their outputs are fed into the input of “sort“. (NB the output produced is silly, but this is just a demo of the command).
Commands Amenable to Process Substitution
Process substitution is usually used in conjunction with a command that can take multiple file names as arguments. Such as sort. In the above example, the first “file” argument to sort is “<(ls -l)“, which represents the output of “ls -l“. The second file argument to sort is “<(df -k)“, which represents the output of the “df -k” command.
A more useful example is comm. Comm is an old unix command that examines two files, and outputs lines common to both, or (depending on command line switches) lines unique to either. One rule with comm is that both files must already be sorted.
It is therefore easier to write:
$ comm -12 $<(sort file1) $<(sort file2)
than it is to do the following, which achieves the same thing:
$ sort file1 > file1.sorted
$ sort file2 > file2.sorted
$ comm -12 file1.sorted file2.sorted
That was input process substitution, using the input process substitution syntax “<()".
Process Substitution Example (Output)
Output process substitution is best demonstrated with a command that works with more than one output file. There are a few to choose from but the most appropriate is probably tee. Tee’s function is to replicate it’s standard output into every file that you name on the command line. It is therefore well suited to work with output process substitution. That is, we can use tee to connect the output of one command to the inputs of several others.
Eg. connect the output of one “ls” to each of the inputs of two greps:
bash-4.2$ ls | tee >(grep jpg > jpglist) >(grep pdf > pdflist)
A file “pdflist” is produced containing a list of all pdf files in the current directory. While “jpglist” contains all files of type jpg.
The above command uses the output command substitution syntax >(). The expression “>(grep jpg > jpglist)” is used as the first of tee’s output files, and “>(grep pdf > pdflist)” the second. The complete ls output is thus fed into both greps, producing the files described.
Uses of Process Substitution
We could go on to produce more elaborate examples of process substitution, perhaps substituting both input and output in the same command, nesting the syntax, using longer pipelines and so forth. However, the syntax would become onerous, and it is probably best to restrict the use of process substitution to simple situations like the simple comm command, where it can be helpful and elegant.
How a Unix Pipe Works
In the shell, pipes come in two flavours: named and unnamed. The example given at the start of this article was an unnamed pipe. Here it is again.
bash-4.2$ ls -l | sort -n -k 5
When the above command is issued, the output of “ls” is connected to the input of “sort” via the pipe. The kernel runs the ls command and sends its output into a small area of memory called a FIFO buffer (first in first out). Meanwhile the input of the sort is connected to the other end of the FIFO. The sort process then goes to sleep while waiting for the ls output to appear in the pipe. When the ls output appears, the sort will wake up and begin to process it. If the FIFO fills up then the ls will go to sleep, and will only re-awaken when there is room in the pipe to push more data in.
Slow Motion Example – Unnamed Pipe
To see this happening, we need a slow pipeline. How about this:
bash-4.2$ sleep 3600 | cat &
[1] 3080
It does nothing meaningful, just sets up the pipe, waits for an hour then exits. Check it in another window:
bash-4.2$ ps -elf | grep 3080
0 S james 3080 2049 0 80 0 - 1060 pipe_w 17:22 pts/2 00:00:00 cat
There is the cat process, waiting patiently. The “S” in the second column and the flag “pipe_w” shows that the cat process is “sleeping on the pipe”. We can look at the pipe inode too:
bash-4.2$ ls -li /proc/3080/fd
total 0
842398 lr-x------. 1 james james 64 Mar 16 17:29 0 -> pipe:[809936]
842399 lrwx------. 1 james james 64 Mar 16 17:29 1 -> /dev/pts/2
810251 lrwx------. 1 james james 64 Mar 16 17:23 2 -> /dev/pts/2
The standard input of the cat process (PID 3080), file descriptor 0, is associated with a pipe inode, inode number 809936. All unix pipes (and all files) are associated with a inode. This inode is part of the /proc file system. (Ignore the other inode numbers on the left. They just correspond to the soft links 0, 1 and 2).
Since the pipe is “unnamed“, it has no associated name in the file system. The find command (run while cat is still sleeping) verifies that, by finding no file in the /proc file system with inode number 809936
bash-4.2$ sudo find /proc -iname 809936
Before ending the test, let’s check the other end of the pipe too. That would be the standard output of the sleep process, ie. file descriptor 2:
$ pidof sleep
$ ls -li /proc/3079/fd
total 0
890582 lrwx------ 1 james james 64 Mar 16 17:29 0 -> /dev/pts/3
890583 l-wx------ 1 james james 64 Mar 16 12:40 1 -> pipe:[809936]
838093 lrwx------ 1 james james 64 Mar 16 12:35 2 -> /dev/pts/3
As expected, the output of the sleep process is on the input of the pipe.
That’s he end of the test, so just to kill those outstanding processes:
bash-4.2$ kill %1
Slow Motion Example – Named Pipe
Once it has been established, a named pipe works in exactly the same way as unnamed pipe. But it has something the unnamed pipe doesn’t: a name in the file system. To make a unnamed pipe (aka a fifo), use the mkfifo command:
bash-4.2$ cd /tmp
bash-4.2$ mkfifo testfifo
The following ls command shows a “p” on the left, indicating a special device of type “pipe”.
bash-4.2$ ls -l testfifo
prw-rw-r--. 1 james james 0 Mar 20 11:21 testfifo
Now to repeat the above test. Again, use “sleep” to slow things down. Direct the output of sleep into the pipe as follows. (Sleep doesn’t make any output, it is just useful for this demonstration).
bash-4.2$ sleep 3600 > testfifo &
[1] 2775
Now set up a “cat” command to read the pipe output, completing the pipeline.
bash-4.2$ cat testfifo &
[2] 2785
As before, check to see what cat is doing. As expected, it is sleeping on the pipe:
bash-4.2$ ps -elf | grep cat
0 S james 2785 2123 0 80 0 - 1060 pipe_w 11:58 pts/0 00:00:00 cat testfifo
Only this time, the pipe has a name, viz. /tmp/testfifo. Have a look at the file descriptors belonging to the cat process, and there it is:
bash-4.2$ ls -li /proc/2785/fd
total 0
253425 lrwx------. 1 james james 64 Mar 20 12:04 0 -> /dev/pts/0
253426 lrwx------. 1 james james 64 Mar 20 12:04 1 -> /dev/pts/0
247244 lrwx------. 1 james james 64 Mar 20 12:02 2 -> /dev/pts/0
253427 lr-x------. 1 james james 64 Mar 20 12:04 3 -> /tmp/testfifo
This time, file descriptor of interest is numbered 3 and the soft link points not just to an inode, but to the associated name – /tmp/testfifo. lsof will provide more information:
bash-4.2$ ls -li /tmp/testfifo
22698 prw-rw-r--. 1 james james 0 Mar 20 11:38 /tmp/testfifo
bash-4.2$ lsof | grep testfifo
sleep 2775 james 1u FIFO 8,5 0t0 22698 /tmp/testfifo
cat 2785 james 3r FIFO 8,5 0t0 22698 /tmp/testfifo
As expected, the fifo /tmp/testfifo is currently open for reading and writing on the standard output of sleep (as evidenced by the “1u” in the FD column of lsof. Meanwhile the cat process has the fifo open on file descriptor 3 for reading only. Looking at the pipe, it almost seems that the cat should be reading from file descriptor 1, its standard input. Not so. Recall the name of the pipe was given to cat as an argument, not as a stream to standard in. Cat therefore opened the pipe using the first free file descriptor, which was number 3.
Named Pipe Available to Other Processes
While the above processes are sleeping, the named pipe is still available for other input. Because it has a name in the file system, it can be accessed by other processes. Eg. Send the output of ls into it, and the file listing appears in the shell:
bash-4.2$ ls > testfifo
The cat woke up briefly, printed the ls output, then slept again, waiting for more output from the pipe. The two original processes are still there:
bash-4.2$ ps -elf | egrep "cat|sleep"
0 S james 2775 2123 0 80 0 - 1055 hrtime 12:23 pts/0 00:00:00 sleep 1000
0 S james 2785 2123 0 80 0 - 1060 pipe_w 12:23 pts/0 00:00:00 cat testfifo
Cleaning Up
Kill those test processes. And the named pipe will continue to exist even through a reboot, unless it is removed now:
bash-4.2$ kill %1
bash-4.2$ rm /tmp/testfifo
Process Substitution Uses Unnamed Pipes
Just as the above tests showed the bar (|) using unnamed pipes, so process substitution can be seen using them, if things are slowed down enough. The following example makes no practical sense, it is just useful as a demonstration.
$ sort -n -k 5 <(sleep 3600) &
[1] 4731
$ pidof sleep
$ pidof sort
An unnamed pipe has been created, using inode 120235. The sleep process has its standard output connected to it:
$ ls -li /proc/4733/fd
32671 lrwx------ 1 james james 64 Jun 11 13:36 0 -> /dev/pts/3
32672 l-wx------ 1 james james 64 Jun 11 13:36 1 -> pipe:[120235]
32673 lrwx------ 1 james james 64 Jun 11 13:36 2 -> /dev/pts/3
Meanwhile, the sort has the same pipe open twice, but not as standard in, out or err. This is because we supplied the substituted process as an argument to sort, and not as its standard input:
$ ls -li /proc/4731/fd
120242 lrwx------ 1 james james 64 Jun 11 13:36 0 -> /dev/pts/3
120243 lrwx------ 1 james james 64 Jun 11 13:36 1 -> /dev/pts/3
120244 lrwx------ 1 james james 64 Jun 11 13:36 2 -> /dev/pts/3
120245 lr-x------ 1 james james 64 Jun 11 13:36 3 -> pipe:[120235]
37689 lr-x------ 1 james james 64 Jun 11 13:35 63 -> pipe:[120235]
There is also an intermediate bash, handling the sub-process for the substitution. It’s standard output is connected to the pipe:
$ ls -li /proc/4732/fd
total 0
120251 lrwx------ 1 james james 64 Jun 11 13:36 0 -> /dev/pts/3
120252 l-wx------ 1 james james 64 Jun 11 13:36 1 -> pipe:[120235]
120253 lrwx------ 1 james james 64 Jun 11 13:36 2 -> /dev/pts/3
120254 lrwx------ 1 james james 64 Jun 11 13:36 255 -> /dev/pts/3
As lsof reveals, the pipe is definitely a FIFO (unnamed pipe), and not a named pipe. Sort is reading from it (twice), and sleep is writing, as expected.
$ lsof | grep 120235
sort 4731 james 3r FIFO 0,8 0t0 120235 pipe
sort 4731 james 63r FIFO 0,8 0t0 120235 pipe
bash 4732 james 1w FIFO 0,8 0t0 120235 pipe
sleep 4733 james 1w FIFO 0,8 0t0 120235 pipe
The relationship between the processes is further demonstrated with ps -elfH:
$ ps -elfH
...output abbreviated...
0 S james 4731 4031 0 80 0 - 6493 pipe_w 13:35 pts/3 sort -n -k 5 /dev/fd/63
1 S james 4732 4731 0 80 0 - 5793 wait 13:35 pts/3 bash
0 S james 4733 4732 0 80 0 - 1803 hrtime 13:35 pts/3 sleep 3600
File descriptor 63 has been created to effect the substitution of the sleep command
Even Command Substitution Uses Unnamed Pipes
The test above, showing the vertical bar (|) using unnamed pipes, can be repeated for command substitution:
$ /bin/echo "That was a nice sleep $(sleep 3600)" &
[1] 3132
Again, the command is pointless but useful as a demonstration. Checking the processes involved:
$ ps -elf | grep 3132
james 3132 1987 0 18:28 pts/1 00:00:00 bash
james 3133 3132 0 18:28 pts/1 00:00:00 sleep 3600
Process 3132 is a bash shell sub process spawned to handle the sleep command. Looking into the file descriptors of both processes:
$ ls -l /proc/3133/fd
lrwx------. 1 james james 64 Mar 20 18:28 0 -> /dev/pts/1
l-wx------. 1 james james 64 Mar 20 18:28 1 -> pipe:[585486]
lrwx------. 1 james james 64 Mar 20 18:28 2 -> /dev/pts/1
$ ls -l /proc/3132/fd
lrwx------. 1 james james 64 Mar 20 18:28 0 -> /dev/pts/1
lrwx------. 1 james james 64 Mar 20 18:28 1 -> /dev/pts/1
lrwx------. 1 james james 64 Mar 20 18:28 2 -> /dev/pts/1
lrwx------. 1 james james 64 Mar 20 18:28 255 -> /dev/pts/1
lr-x------. 1 james james 64 Mar 20 18:28 3 -> pipe:[585486]
…shows that they are connected by an unnamed pipe with inode 585486. The kernel has taken this inode from the pipe device /proc to handle communication between the processes.
Process substitution, command substitution and the vertical bar (|) are all implemented using unnamed pipes. It is sometimes written that command substitution uses named pipes. While that was true in the past (eg. 1997) it no longer seems to be so at the time of writing (March 2012).
Process substitution is used very rarely, command substitution is common, especially within scripts, and the most widely used of all is the vertical bar (|), perhaps the most useful item in the whole of Unix.
Named pipes are infrequently used, sometimes appearing where a command can read or write only to a file, and the user therefore substitutes the name of the pipe for the file. Or in the making of database dumps or other communication between applications and the OS.