Install and Optimize Linux Mint 21

This article is about installing and optimizing Linux Mint. The focus is on Mint 21, but it’s relevant to all versions. The best disk layout is discussed at the end of the article.

Install vs Update

If Mint is already installed on your system, then updating to the latest version is an option. I would recommend updating between minor versions, but for major versions, a fresh install is better.

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Fedora Dual Boot Convoluted Boot Path

This post describes a problem with receiving Linux kernel updates after installing Fedora 16 in a dual boot environment. The Fedora installation process allows the user to rewrite Grub in the master boot record (MBR) or to leave the MBR untouched. I chose to leave it untouched, leading to a later kernel update problem which was fairly easily solved with some Grub 2 commands. Continue reading